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Kansas Division of the International Association for Identification

Active Membership

Shall consist of persons actively engaged as an examiner, analyst, practitioner or supervisor in the forensic sciences. Active members shall not lose their status because of retirement or change of position, so long as they remain members of the Division. Active members may hold office and shall be entitled to one (1) vote with respect to each matter presented to the membership of the Division for a vote. Active membership dues shall be $15.00 per annum.

Associate Membership

Shall consists of all reputable persons fully or partially engaged in any of the various phases of the science of forensic identification and investigation, who are not qualified for Active Membership. Such members shall, in all respects, be subject to the same rules, fees, privileges, and charges as Active Members, except they shall not be eligible to vote or hold office. Associate membership dues shall be $15.00 per annum.

Student Membership

Available to full-time college students at an accredited college with a major in a forensic science related or law enforcement field. Such members shall, in all respects be subject to the same rules as Active Members and shall not be entitled to the election of a position on the Board of Directors and shall not be entitled to vote. In order to be considered for student membership, applicants must include a letter or transcript from their educational institution setting the number of credits currently being taken. The words “full-time student” will not suffice. Student membership dues shall be $15.00 per annum.

Sustaining Membership

Active or Associate member of the Division who pays a one‑time, non‑refundable sum of money equal to ten (10) times the yearly amount. Sustaining members shall be eligible to vote and be entitled to all the regular privileges of an Active or Associate member.

Distinguished Membership

Distinguished membership is given in recognition of a member's superior efforts in the furtherance of the aims and purposes of the KDIAI. An Active member may be referred to the KDIAI's Board of Directors for this membership type. Distinguished membership may be conferred upon a member by a majority approval decision of the Board of Directors. Distinguished members shall be excused from paying membership dues for the remainder of their life with the exception of conference registration fees. Distinguished members shall, in all respects, be subject to the same rules, rights, and privileges of Active members.

Honorary Membership

Honorary Membership in the Division shall consist of persons who have performed some particular service for the Division or who have in some way performed a meritorious act for law enforcement. Such person or persons, upon motion of any member in good standing may be elected by the Board of Directors or by the Division at the Annual Conference to an honorary membership for one year and shall be excused from payment of dues and assessments. They shall not be eligible to vote or hold office.

Life Membership

Life membership is available to any Active member who has paid dues continuously for twenty years, or any retired member who has paid dues continuously for ten years. Members who meet either of these requirements may submit an application to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall vote on each application and Life membership will be conferred upon majority approval. Life members shall be excused from paying membership dues for the remainder of their lift with the exception of conference registration fees. Life members shall, in all respects, be subject to the same rules, rights, and privileges of Active members.

Life Membership Application

Active members who qualify for Life membership must submit an application. All applications must be emailed to by October 31st of the current year.

All applications will be reviewed and voted on within 90 days.

KDIAI Life Membership Application

KDIAI members come mostly from Kansas Law Enforcement Agencies (police departments and sheriff offices), but we do have some from forensic laboratories, coroner's offices, and from forensic programs at colleges in Kansas. These members are involved in investigating crimes, investigating crime scenes, evidence processing, and/or managing evidence. KDIAI members are detectives, investigators, police officers, sheriff's deputies, evidence technicians, crime scene investigators, death investigators, forensic scientists, instructors, and forensic students.

All are engaged in some aspect of forensic investigations either actively or in support of the investigation (or instructing or learning forensic science).

Not sure if you qualify for membership, or if you qualify for Active or Associate Membership?

Contact us to ask or submit your application and we will review your application and let you know.

International Association for Identification Active Members from Kansas do not need a recommendation from a current member or resume/CV, but must submit an application form and pay dues.

If you have a recommendation from a current KDIAI Member, you do not need to submit a resume/CV.

If you do not have a recommendation from a current KDIAI Member, you do need to submit a resume/CV.

Click here to download the KDIAI Application for Membership

Please only use the this form (and the below electronic form) for NEW memberships.

If you are renewing your membership or paying past dues, please use the form/email that was provided to you. Thank You.

If you are registering as a member after paying non-member conference fees, please contact Stephanie Clark so you do not double pay your first year dues (Non-member Conference Fee includes the first year of membership dues).

We are now accepting online payments! If you would like to pay offline, please contact or send payment to KDIAI Secretary/Treasurer Stephanie Clark.

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Contact Us:


1109 N Minneapolis St

Wichita, KS 67214

The Kansas Division of the IAI is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 

(c) 2024 Kansas Division of the IAI

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